Sunday, September 13, 2009

Swine Flu Hysteria?

My sister forwarded this article about the swine flu vaccine to me today, and I've inserted it here to replace the original NaturalNews article I posted the other day. Not knowing which web info to trust and which not to, I'm confident about this one b/c comes on recommendation from a friend of ours, Eva Shea (D.O.) an outstanding doc and all around cool person.


Ashley Beth said...

Totally agree with you. Even though I'm pregnant and high risk and have 2 little ones, there's no way we're going to be the test rats for that vaccine. I'll take my chances getting it and surviving it like most other flu bugs! :)

Delena said...

I agree, too! I'm a nurse and there's no way I'll get it. I'm concerned with all the hype and push toward the vaccine.

Jessica ;-) said...

links don't work?

Anonymous said...

Although I do all of the "traditional" vaccines, I have never had (nor have my children had) any flu vaccine. And the H1N1 vaccine is particularly scary because of the haste with which it is being produced. It is also scary that the company(s) behind the vaccine will NOT be held liable for any defects or problems. In the article I read on MSN a few weeks ago, the writer said that due to the urgent need for this vaccine, the government was lifting liability stuff (for lack of a better term) from the company. Ummmm. That give me confidence... So Nope, no H1N1 vaccine for our family.


Julie Doody said...

My kids have all their vaccinations and are up to date. BUT I will not be giving them the swine flu vaccine. Not sure why I feel this way, just doesn't feel right. It's so new and I too don't want my kids to be guinnea pigs.....

Hope all is going well!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

So much hype has surrounded and continues to surround this swine flu, particularly when there is another "crisis to address and use"(their own words)in the current administration,
that people should be very aware of what is in the vaccine and exactly what the flu is all about. Flu season somes every fall,and we have been told previously that a special test kit had to be used to determine if it is swine flu or not, so how can they know so quickly now?

Stephanie Williams said...

I'm also skeptical about the vaccine, but feel much better after talking with my OBGYN about it. I'm skeptical about the "Ten Things" link that's posted. The one that says the vaccine has never been tested on humans is completely false, so that makes me question the validity of the whole article. Here's some more info about trials that are being done:

Anonymous said...

I won't get vaccinated nor will the rest of my family. An RN over here in the midwest told her sister (who is my friend) that any and all flu cases will be labeled as swine flu, they won't even test it to see if its different. Very disturbing to me. So the media is trying to put the fear in all of us like they are paid to do. Isn't going to work on me!

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to an article I got the last time I saw Eva:

It's kind of lengthy but it talks about taking vit. D3 supplements for protection against the Swine Flu. The suggested levels are much higher than most docs will tell you and anything 5000 IUs/day and over you need to have your blood tested every 3-6 months but it's safer than the vaccine.

There are other articles about the vaccine on that website.

We never get seasonal flu shots and we won't be getting the Swine Flu shot either.

Love you, Sis