Thursday, April 23, 2009

Update : 42309

This is an extremely difficult post...

This past Saturday evening Nicol began to have some issues related to the pregnancy, so we immediately went to the ER. I am terribly... saddened, disappointed, sickened, distraught and stunned to tell you that she has miscarried. I don't have it in me to share with you much beyond that right now, other than to say she is doing okay physically, aside from the effects of the natural process her body must go through. 

I would simply ask, as I have so many times before, that you pray for us. We really need that. 

This is a bitter pill to swallow.  


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Anonymous said...

My prayers for you and the entire family. This is such a sad turn of events. Thanks for sharing what is so painful so that we are allowed to minister to you. God's peace. Jennifer in Southeast, NC

Robyn R. said...

I am so very sorry. Prayers of peace and love to you all.

Taking Heart said...

Praying that God will sweep you away in His love.

Wade's World said...

I'm so sorry...

I'll be praying.

Devon said...

i am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for your family!! Blessings and hugs to you all!

Heather said...

Greg - I met you and Nicol back in the summer at Chickfila in Dalton. My heart is breaking for your family. When we hadn't had an update from you in several days I was worried about you all. I have experienced the pain and heartbreak that comes with miscarriage. When I lost our 4th baby I cried for days, our other children made getting up each day easier. Just as Summer has been a light after losing Luke, her laughter will ease the hard days that will follow now. God is still here. Keep loving your wife and remind her that there is nothing in her power that could have prevented this. I pray for God's peace, comfort and healing in your life right now.

Laura said...

I'm so sorry to hear. Praying for you!

Unknown said...

Sweet friends who have encouraged so many, you are prayed for in Atlanta. I do not have the words to comfort you, but pray that our great and awesome God gives you great hugs during this time

Lucy said...

I have been reading your blog for some time now, but have never commented before. I just wanted to tell you how very very sorry I am for this news. You are, of course, in my prayers. Again, my deepest condolences for your loss.

Sherree said...

Praying for your family.

Melody said...

I can't even begin to express how sorry I am. The weirdest thing happened probably an hour ago. I was getting ready for my day and just got this overwhelming thought of you guys- I couldn't get you out of my head, and I just feared that something had happened. (Angie had mentioned in her post that something had happened in her family earlier, so I'm sure that sparked this thinking of you guys.) I had thoughts that this had happened, but I prayed I was wrong! So I was coming on the computer to leave a note telling you I'm thinking of you guys and that I hoped you were all well. But I saw your post first. :( I am so so sorry. After two healthy children I have had 3 miscarriages, and I can only imagine how much pain you guys are feeling right now. I am praying for you.

Laurie in Ca. said...

I am so saddened and sorry to read this. I will definitely be praying for Nicol and all this has put her through. Praying for you too, as it must be breaking your heart to pieces once again. I am so so sorry Greg. I know God is big enough to bring you both through all of this hurt and I hope He is working overtime on it right now. This is too much to try and understand.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

~Bekah said...

I don't think i've ever posted on your blog before but i am a reader every time there is a post or update. I pray for your family weekly, if not daily and do pray whenever you have a request. My husband and I are expecting our first child, a girl, Shelby Lynne, on June 9th and it was a long journey to get to this point. We are young, i'm 26 and Josh, my hubby, will be 30 in Sept., so we always thought children would just "happen" when "we" were ready. Needless to say, God thought otherwise. We tried for almost 2 years, had almost 4 months of fertility drugs and the month we BOTH gave it ALL to God, He blessed us w/ our little miracle, Shelby. In fact, the week we found out, actually 2 days prior to us finding out I was expecting, i met in counsel w/ our preacher at the time and fell face-first in prayer to God w/ tears and pleads to God w/ him and he and I both begged God to bless me and Josh w/ a baby. Little did we know that I was already pregnant and praying for a child that He had already blessed us with. That will FOREVER be in my mind. I'm saying all this to tell you, my husband and I have had the priviledge to share our pregnancy w/ 2 other couples our age; one couple is due 2 weeks before us EXACTLY who also struggled w/ infertility and they had a miscarriage a year to the day they found out, and the other couple was due 7 weeks after we are due w/ their first, a girl also. It's been a blessing to have 2 couples our age who KNOW what this journey consists of daily, weekly, monthly, etc... however, the couple that was due 7 weeks after us, Katie and Whitney, lost their baby Sunday night. Katie started feeling strange so they went to the dr. and found out her blood pressure was extremely high and they were forced to deliver Lilly Claire at 26 weeks. They flew her to Childrens in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is 4 hours away from here (Magnolia, Arkansas is where we live)and Katie not only dealt w/ the worry and fear for her baby's life but her own. The dr.'s found a brain-bleed in Lilly and knew the inevitable was to come so Whitney, dad, flew back to where Katie was in the hospital (30 min. from home) so they could all be together when Lilly Claire went to be w/ the Lord. We all thought Katie would be release Tuesday or yesterday but to this day, is still having horrible issues w/ her blood pressure. They are having Lilly's memorial service tomorrow, friday, and we are praying Katie is well enough to be released to at least get to go. We are not attending the service because of work issues but also because we are afraid it would be too devastating for me. I am dealing w/ a lot of guilt over this and over us just celebrating how great our church provided for us w/ a wonderful shower on Sunday while our friends suffered and watched their first-born die. My heart is heavy and ask that you pray for this family and lift them up. I am also praying for your family in your time of loss as well. The Lord has a plan for each of us and even though we do not know what that is, He is still the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Sarah and still does miracles today; i am living proof of that! i was a miracle baby born a whole month and a half early and weighed only 4 lbs and have never had a serious illness in my life! Praise be to God! May God be with you and your family and thank you for your updates. Sorry this is soo long...

Holly said...

so saddened to hear that news. We are lifting you and your family up in prayer.


Linda said...

I am so sorry.

Laura said...

I am so deeply sorry. My prayers are with you both.

Karen said...

I am so sorry. Praying for you both...

Shelly said...

I am so sorry. I will lift you all up in prayer for comfort and healing.

momaboog said...

Don't personally know you guys, but have been following you blog since your sweet boy last may. Praying for you guys often.

R said...

I'm so sorry. My prayers are with you.

Ang said...

oh my goodness I am so sorry. I have not words right now. The wind has been knocked out of me. I am just so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so terribly sorry. These things are so hard to understand. May you find strength from The One.

Mocha with Linda said...

Oh, I am so, so sorry that there is more heartache for y'all to walk through.

Praying the sun will shine soon. . .

Anonymous said...

I am so, SO sorry. Nicole and your family will be in my prayers.


Lorraine said...

Praying you feel the Lord's nearness as you grieve again.

Kara said...

There are no words - I am so very sorry. Your family has and will continue to be in my prayers.

SLM said...

So, so very saddened to read this. :-( My husband and I have lost four children, both to still birth and prematurity.

It is, by far, the most painful thing a parent can go through...that of losing a child. No matter how small the life is, it just hurts.

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers at this time. I wish I could offer you more words of comfort, but I will say only this. Take this time to cling to one another. Cling to God, if you can. And if you can't, know that others are clinging to Him for you and will help you find a way back to Him.


Stephanie said...

You have been in my prayers since the first time Angie asked the blog world to pray for your family. You will continue to be in my prayers as you go through this journey. Trusting that God will strengthen and take care of you always.

Anonymous said...

No words.

Courtney said...

You guys are in my prayers and thoughts..I miscarried only 5 months after losing my daughter to T18..It's very hard, I know.. Sending lots of hugs, love, & prayers..

mommy of a full house said...

You are in my prayers.

Amy said...

I am so very sorry to you and Nicol. May God bring healing to her physically and to you both physically and mentally as well as your family!

I have been there...if she needs a shoulder to cry on or advice...just ask!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry! I am at a loss for words. Asking God why?? Why??
Oh me, I am so sorry!

I will pray for y'all!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. Praying to God that He gives you the strength and comfort you need durring this time. Its so hard to see Gods plan in these times, but as always, He has one. Praying for you and your family.

Sincerely, Stephnie said...

Lifting your family up today in my prayers.

Joy said...

I am so sorry! After losing our daughter at 7 mos in late 2008, we found ourselves expecting again in March of this year. Unfortunately, I miscarried that baby as well. Thankfully, we happened to be alone on vacation, our toddler w/ grandparents, so we could have some solace. It is SO hard and heartbreaking. I will pray for you, especially your wife! May He bring you the healing and peace and comfort that only He can give.

Lisa said...

I am so sorry that you have to endure more pain! I am praying for you and Nicol.

Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

Praying for comfort. I am so sorry. Words are never enough.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry. I will be praying for You, Nicol, Summer and extended family. May the God of all peace wrap His loving arms around you and your family now and bring you a comfort that only He can.

Cheryl said...


My family and I will continue to lift you both up in prayer. God bless to your whole family.


Elizabeth said...

I don't have words - but lifting you both to our Father.

Lori D said...

I too suffered a miscarriage between my two children. My heart breaks for you all. We are praying for physical and emotional healing.

Unknown said...

So sorry. We are lifting up your family in prayer.

Amanda Hoyt said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I experienced a miscarriage at 9.5 weeks on March 26, 2008. You, Nicol and Summer are in my prayers.

Cynthia Jill Photography said...

Hi there, so sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers!

King J's Queen said...

I am so very sorry! Yes, I will continue to pray for all of you.

Janine said...

There Are No Words.
Other than I am so very, very sorry.
Sending you love and prayers from Texas,

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for you, Greg. There just aren't any words. I'm so sorry. Love to you, Nicol, and Summer. Sis

Michelle said...

My heart hurts for her! I will continue to pray!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I'm SO sorry for your loss. I can't believe all you and your family have gone through! I will definately be praying for you guys.
Millie and Colin-HLHS

Leigh said...

I am so very sorry. I will continue to pray for you both. My daughter was stillborn in 2007 and I have since miscarried. It's just heart breaking because we feel like we should get a free pass. I am so sorry. Lots of prayers coming your way.

Aspiemom said...

I'm so sorry. You're in my prayers.

Deanna @ oneagleswings said...

I have never left a comment before, but I am compelled to now. I have read your blog for some time and as much as I admire your wife's talented singing voice, I admire more your honesty in dealing with the loss of your sweet boy.

I cannot imagine the pain that you and Nicol are in right now. I want to shake my fist toward the heavens for you. Of all the people who deserve some joy and a little peace...

I do not understand but I assure you that you will be in my prayers.

Delena said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through. Definitely will be praying for you and Nicol and your healing.

Kassandra said...

So very, very sorry for yet another loss. My heart is aching for you guys. :*o(

May the peace of God which passes all understanding encompass you through this.

E Hart said...

I'm so, so sorry. We will be lifting you up to the Father.

Jess and Krissy said...

I am so very sorry. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Mare said...

I'm so very sorry. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Rebecca said...

I'm so sorry and saddened to hear this. When I saw Angie's post earlier, I was so worried for you guys.

I am so sorry and will definitely be praying for your family.

Elizabeth said...

Greg and Nicol,

I don't know what else to say other than we are praying for you, and praying that a strong community of believers would come around you to walk with you through this time. We're so very sorry.

The Rhynos

Sarah said...

I just don't know what else to say other than I will continue to pray for your family.

Leslie said...

You don't know me, but I found your blog through reading Angie's. Anyway, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. I myself had a miscarriage a year ago while trying to conceive our 2nd child. It was devastating to us after trying for a year to get pregnant, only to lose it at 9 weeks. Thankfully, we were able to conceive again, and just had a beautiful little girl 6 weeks ago. We also have a 5 yr old little girl. I will be praying for you and your family.

Stellan Bracelets said...

My heart goes out to your family as you face yet another loss, the loss of your unborn child. I have been down this difficult road before, I am so sorry. There are no words...

You are in my prayers.

Tara said...

Praying, praying, praying....Sweet Jesus be so very near in this time...

Rachel said...

Praying for your beautiful family...

Anna said...

I'm so sorry...there are no words. Praying that God gives you a peace beyond our human understanding.

MaRia said...

So sad and shocked to hear this terrible news :( Holding your family in my prayers--

A blog friend in IN

Jeff Hasty said...

Been there Bro! Praying!!!!!

Jeff Hasty said...

Been There 3 times Bro! Praying

Kimberly said...

I have been reading your blog through Angie's since you lost you sweet son, and I am so terribly sorry to hear about the loss of this baby. So, so sorry.

Becke' said...

So terribly saddened and sorry for you both. I can't wait til all the tragedies one day make sense. I am praying for continued faith, grace, and peace. May He be glorified.

Anonymous said...

I'm crying right now for you. Maybe Lukey wanted a little brother to play with in heaven, but I know you wanted your newest little one here with you. Please know we're praying for you here and may God comfort you. I hope it helps you to think about your little ones playing together in heaven--that thought always helped me.

Jennifer said...

Praying for you, may God comfort your hearts and minds.

Janet said...

Wow Greg - so terribly sorry to hear the sad news. You and Nicol are continually in my prayers but even more so now.

Kat said...

Oh, so sorry to hear this. He will lift you up and give you the strength for tomorrow!

The Thornton Family said...

Oh, I am so so so so sorry. I don't know what to say. But I am praying. I was praying before reading this.
I read angie's post earlier and when she mentioned that there were some family problems, I immediately thought od y'all.
Oh, I just don't know what to I'll pray...

Stacey in missippi

Leann, said...

I am so sorry. I have two babies in heaven from miscarriages and it is never an easy road to go down. May God bless you and your family during this difficult time.

SnoWhite said...

We will certainly uphold your family in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. will be praying for you. I've been there

Holly Aytes said...

I am so sorry to hear that :( Please know that I am praying for y'all as you grieve for this baby.

Kristy said...

Oh Greg - am in tears for you both. I am so so sorry this has happened. I am praying so hard for you.

I never lost a child, but I did miscarry (tubal pregnancy) 14 years ago. It was the saddest year of my life.

You already know so much about loss, and my heart is just breaking for you and Nicol.


Unknown said...

I'm so so sorry, Greg and Nicol!! I will be on my knees praying for you both.

Jesus loves you both,

Laura said...

Praying for you, no words can even express.

Hall Family in MD said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. ((Hugs)) for you, Nicol and your family. I am praying for you all.

hope09 said...

praying for you all!

Katherine said...

I've followed your blog off and on for a while. I'm so, so very sorry. Of course I'll pray for you all.

Orlando said...

Praying that you and your family will feel our Father's arms wrapped tightly around you during this painful time.

Nicole said...

I have been reading your blog for sometime, I came by way of Angie's website. My husband and I buried 3 little boys before we were blessed with our daughters, age 4 and 9 months. My heart aches for you both even though I don't even know you. The pain is indescribable to most people. I will be praying for God to continue to heal your hearts.

Melissa said...

So sorry to hear this. Will keep you both in my prayers.

Tasha said...

Oh my goodness.I just really don't understand this.I have to be honest and tell you that I am questioning God on this one.Please don't get me wrong.I love him and I know he is in control,but WHY?!?!
Please know that I will be praying for you guys just like I do everyday.I am so,so sorry.I love you guys~Tasha in Indiana

Misty Rice said...

Oh that's so frustrating and heartbreaking.... :(

Just when you got a boost you so needed, you get hit with this.

Hang in there..... in time, in time.

I miscarried right before my daughter.... its a very emotional thing. It took my BODY 2 months with medical help to fully get rid of the pregnancy. It kept thinking I was still pregnant and I had to go in every two days for blood work. It was awful.

But my little girl is here now....

Praying for you guys and for your sister Angie on her trip tomorrow.

God Bless.

Sher said...

My heart just fell to the pit of my stomach when I read your post. Praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I have been praying for your family for many months now. I am so, so very sorry that you're going through yet another loss. My heart hurts for you all. May our Lord Jesus hold you close.

KR said...

Weeping with you...for you. So sorry. Praying.

momof4kr said...

I am devastated to read about your loss.

I will be lifting you all up in prayer.

After losing two of my six pregnancies, I can relate to how incredibly painful this experience is.

You are loved. You are supported. You are being prayed for.

Love in Him,

Stacy said...

I am so very sorry. Praying for you both.

Allie in AZ said...

I can't believe it!

Oh I am just sick for you...

Hitting my knees in prayer on your behalf. May God comfort you now as only He can.

Angela said...

Oh, I'm so very sorry. I pray that God will give you comfort in this difficult time.

Angela from Chattanooga

IAmDenise said...

I am really sad to hear this... I am praying for you guys!

Amber said...

Praying God's comfort on you and Nicol tonight. Such a very difficult time for you.

Beckycain6 said...

I can barely see through the tears to say,

"Oh, please Lord Jesus......please........we pray."

I convey my sorrow to you, from the pit of my heart. I am so, so sorry.....

With total love in Christ,

Rachel said...

I am so sorry...I will be praying for your family.

Brianna said...

I'm sorry.

Praying for you.

karen said...

I am so very sorry to hear of this new sadness. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Nicol and your families.

Emily said...

I'm so sad for you! This seems SO WRONG to me! I read Angie's blog earlier today and I said a prayer that this was not related to the baby! I am sorry!!!!

The Scott Household said...

Greg and Nicol,
I follow Angie's blog and was sucker-punched when I saw her last update. We are too, reeling from the loss of our third baby (and third miscarriage). We know those days of the ER, the days of pain, tears, frustration and utter heartbreak. We are living those days still.

Praying for you in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry!! my prayers will be with you both and your family! I know God has a plan...I just wish we could understand it more clearly! For now, I will trust HIM to continue to work in your lives and pray that his amazing grace will be upon you, along with HIS compassion and HIS mercy!!

Violet said...

Thank you for sharing and allowing us to lift you up in prayers.

Be near Jesus...

Unknown said...

Praying that God will comfort you during this time and continue to uphold you in his strength!

Gitz 'n Jo said...

Greg and Nicol...

I'm a friend of Angie's and am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I know there are no words to make this better, so please just know I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Bethany said...

I am so so sorry. Praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. I am praying for you, and your family..

sumi said...

I am so sorry, Greg and Nichol. I'm praying. There WILL be beauty from your ashes, and the oil of joy in exchange for your mourning. One day...

I pray that you will find shelter in the sweet presence of Jesus as you let him bring you through.

Ashleigh said...

My heart is absolutely broken for you. I am so very very sorry.

Heather said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for your physical pain to go away and your emotional pain to ease. In my thoughts and prayers.

Megan said...

This just hurts my heart. So sorry for your loss. Praying for you.

michelle said...

no words that i can speak can express my sorrow for you...but the words our LORD speaks...let them wash over you and comfort you in this difficult time.

having experienced a miscarriage myself, i can somewhat understand but i can only imagine that after earlier events in the past year that you are especially hurting. i am praying for you all.

michelle said...

no words that i can speak can express my sorrow for you...but the words our LORD speaks...let them wash over you and comfort you in this difficult time.

having experienced a miscarriage myself, i can somewhat understand but i can only imagine that after earlier events in the past year that you are especially hurting. i am praying for you all.

Liz said...

Praying for you and your sisters, Angie.

The Monkey House said...

Dear Greg and Nicol,
I have followed Angie's blog for some time and read about her precious nephew, Luke. I attend Maranatha Chapel, and heard Nicol sing a couple of weeks ago. Hearing her talk about your Luke was so overwhelming--but, I never would have thought to connect the two stories...I have been praying for your family and will continue to pray for God's peace for you during this awful time. God bless you all.

Heidi said...

Father ~

They are pressed on all sides, but do not let them be crushed.

They are perplexed, but do not let despair take root in their hearts.

They have been knocked down, but do not let them be destroyed.

Bring beauty from - and in the midst of - their suffering. Bind their hearts together. Be merciful to them in their grief. Surround them with people who can be physical manifestations of Your arms, Your comfort.

JoyKids (Art In Motion Productions) said...

My heart is breaking for you. I'm so incredibly sorry to hear this. Please know that I will continue to pray for you.

Much love and many prayers.

Della said...

Basically a stranger, but no less heartbroken for you because of it. As has been the case so much this month in the community of blogs that I frequent, I don't have any words for you or even for God, but I've been doing my share of "inexpressible groaning" to Him. Today you'll be lifted too in that wordless rush I offer.

Something you might find touches on you: A hospital mom's note on praying ("what good is it")
- somewhere down on page 2 is a novella... I mean comment... that I wrote that applies for you and explains the groans a little more.

Virtual Hugs.

Tammi said...

Your hearts must ache so deeply, beyond words. Mine aches for you too. So, so sorry.


Candie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I have suffered a miscarriage as well and it is so devastating. Please let Nicol know that there is nothing she could've done to prevent it. I will be praying for you.

Sue said...

Greg and Nicol,
I am heartbroken for you. I know God is sovereign and His ways are not our ways, but it is so hard to understand.
I am praying for you.
Sue (in GA)
one of Angie's Sundays

Ruthie said...

I am a regular reader of Angie's blog... I am so sorry. I do not claim to know your pain, as I have not lost a child I've held, but the LORD has allowed me and my husband to lose 4 children to miscarriage, and so tonight, I will pray. I will pray for you both as you walk through this valley. May HE be ever near. I am so sorry.


Lynn said...

Can't even put into words how much my heart is aching for you right now. I didn't know the pain you went through when you lost Luke, but I do know this pain. I lost my last child to miscarriage. Praying hard for you right now!!!!!!!!!!
John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Prayer BearsMy email address

Skerry said...

My heart is so sad for the loss of your's and Nicol's baby. I don't understand why it happened, but I will continue to pray for peace and healing for your whole family.

Anonymous said...

As I read your post I am praying that you do now regret sharing the pregnancy news with us. God has placed us all here to in that. I am very sorry for your loss- Praying for you all,from Iowa.

Lindsay said...

My heart is broken for you all and my eyes are filled with tears. I will be praying for you that all the love and healing of the Father will surround you as you are again faced with such terrible sadness. I am so very sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry.
Praying for the Lord to wrap his loving arms around you all and comfort you.
from Australia

Unknown said...

praying that the Lord will comfort you and your family during this time. Jennifer in Kimberly, AL

Unknown said...

I am praying for God's grace to cover all of you during this difficult time. I am so, so, sorry to hear about the loss of this baby.

Joy said...

I am so sorry.. Prayers for your family.

Stacy D said...


I am just so sorry for you and Nicol. How painfully difficult. I miscarried before getting pregnant with Isaac and losing him, and it is all just so hard.

I will br praying for you and Nicol, for God's perfect peace, for your hearts to be guarded against anger and bitterness, and just for the sweet presence of our Lord to carry you through what I know to be such a difficult time.

~ Stacy

Baby be Blessed said...

PRAYING for you and your family!

WendyCarole said...

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Praying and sending you ((((((((((hugs)))))))) from UK

Liz said...

I know the road you are walking with a miscarriage and I am so sorry. I will be praying that you are filled with His unexplainable peace.

Mrs. K said...

Oh dear sweet brother and sister in Christ. I know not the pain you are going through but I know the One who does. May his strength and grace be ever present in this time.

~*Michelle*~ said...

On my knees in prayer for you.....

Jenn said...

I am so sorry! we are praying in north carolina!

Paige said...

I am praying!


Katy said...

Greg & Nicol~
No words. Just many prayers being uplifted on your behalf during this very sad time.

I am so sorry your hearts are shattered!

Katy Reitz
(friends of Jim & Nancy Smith)

Anonymous said...

Please know that my prayers are with you and your family......

Anonymous said...

May the love of God fill your hearts. May He allow you to feel His everlasting arms under you. May His peace come upon you, and heal your aching sadness.

Oh, I'm so so sorry. Joining you in prayer and tears.

The Wilsons in VA

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time.

Kevin & Amber LeValley said...

I am so so sorry. You know we do not know why these things happen. But we do know that the Lord has a reason for everything..the good and the bad. Please know that you have so many people praying for you and your family. Know that the Lord is with you during this difficult time, and this entire year of events that has dramatically changed your lives. Stay strong. He is with you. I am praying.
Amber LeValley

Amanda said...

I've been reading your blog ever since you lost your sweet little Luke but have never posted before now. But I wanted to let you know that my heart is breaking for you and your family right now. Your family has already had to go through so much pain and to have this on top of's just unimaginable. I will definitely continue to pray for you and your family.

Julie said...

Greg and Nicol - I am so very, very sorry for your loss. From the moment I read Angie's post yesterday about some family struggles, my thoughts immediately went to you and I prayed so hard that it was not this. I don't know why - but you were in my heart and mind yesterday - always.

I am praying for all of you...and am so sorry.

Celie said...

So sorry! No words, hurting heart for your family.I also have gone through such grief. Hugs to your family! Praying for comfort in wilderness of life,strength to pass through this time, comfort from our Father to surround you with his abiding love,his compasion will never fail you dear ones.
Love Celie

sheila said...

I am so very sorry for the both of you. My prayers will continue for you and Nicol. In God's Love, sheila

Sarah said...

I am so sorry that this has happened. I know all too well what you are going through. I pray that God's love and peace will wash over you right now.

We've Got Scents said...

Oh how my heart 'hurts' for your family. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Cling to Him,
Psalm 46:10

Susan said...

Praying for you in Minnesota. I'm so very sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry. Keeping your family in my prayers.

God bless you


Tracey said...

I've been there, more times than I care to remember. Please know that you are in my prayers, and I pray that God will reveal His purposes in all of this to you.

Creekermom said...

My prayers and thoughts are with all of you, don't let Satan steal your joy. God has a plan, I say this as I lost 2 babies back to back and it was quite devastating. I ended up having to take progesterone... please share this with Nicol so she can talk to her Doctor... I also ended up with a thyroid issue that may have been the underlying issue.

Faith is not believing God can, it is KNOWING HE WILL.

I do believe he will bless you and your family and fill Nicols arms once again.

Don't let Satan steal your joy with worry, doubt or confusion.

In Him,

Hokie Grandma said...

Praying for His comfort to surround you all during these days.

Hokie Grandma said...

Praying for His comfort to surround you all during these days.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. Keeping you family in my prayers.

God bless you


sheridan said...

I am so very sorry. I wish there were words that could give comfort during your time of grief.

Please know that you and Nicol (and the rest of your family) are being covered in prayer. is a wonderful Christian resource for women who have experienced infertility and the death of a child, whether before or after birth.

Anonymous said...

dear greg and nicol, It seems God has asked you to carry a very heavy cross, giving and then taking from you two of your children in less than one year. I pray you both survive, that your love for each other grows deeper, that your faith grows stronger still, and that God who has blessed you both with extraordinary gifts in music and words, would do a miracle and enable you to pour out beauty and even joy through your art in the midst of what must be crushing pain. I'm thinking, for some reason, of that scene in The Passion of the Christ, when the Lord is bleeding and exhausted and broken and fallen under the cross, yet says to His mother "look how I am making everything new" with such joy in His voice. How did He do that in the midst of such pain? I pray this miracle for you, too, however impossible it may seem now.

Wendy said...

Praying for comfort and peace during this hard time.....

Blameless said...

You and Nicol are in my prayers. I am so sorry for your pain.


Mab said...

I am so sorry and so sad.

Hannah said...

I'm so sorry! I will be praying for you guys!

Heather said...

I am so sorry. I have been pregnant 10 times and only have 2 living children and know the heartbreak of miscarriage.
Praying, knowing that He "heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." May God bring you great comfort in the coming days.

Charleston, SC

Anonymous said...

I how my heart aches for you. When I saw on Angies that there were some prayers needed for the family..I got an uneasy feeling and was hoping it wasn't ya'll. Please know we are praying for you here in Florida. We love you!!

Anonymous said...

Nicole and Greg, I am so very sorry for the loss of your baby, I know the comming days will be very hard, just put your hurts and sorrows to the Lord and he will carry you.

katie said...

Praying for your family. You are in my heart.

Lisa said...

Having just gone thru this myself several months ago, Greg, my heart is simply broken for you. I'm just so very sorry ...

Just love on one another while the Lord loves on you.

On my knees in Louisville, KY.

The Jones Clan said...

I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you.

imkc said...

I am so very sorry. My heart is hurting for you - know that you are being lifted up to our precious Father right now.

Krista said...

just wanted you to know that i'm sending prayers all the way from seattle. wish we could all be together to pray with you, encourage you, and walk beside you during this difficult time in your life.
much love and many prayers from a seattle stranger,
krista lynn

Jessi said...

I am saddened for your loss. How hard this must be. Praying peace for your family.

Anonymous said...

Praying. I am so sorry,,,so sorry

karina said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Miscarriage is different from other loss in that you haven't lost someone you know and have memories with. Instead you've lost someone you wanted to know and wanted to make memories with. It's the loss of the future with that someone. And therefore hard to grasp. It just hurts.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

libby @ ninesandquines said...

i am so sorry - prayers and wishes coming to you and your entire family that His peace and love gets you through this....

Christy said...

I am so grieved over this, what a hardship to endure. I feel surrounded by loss these days, a friend of ours just had a still born at 38 weeks. I rejoice in knowing that their little son grant is in heaven along with your Luke and his brother/sister. Rest in knowing we will all be united with our loved ones and lost ones again in heaven and what a day of rejoicing that will be!
Praying for you right at this moment...
with a saddened heart and my hands lifted high on your behalf.

Sarah said...

We are praying for you all!

ocean mommy said...

Praying for you both. My husband and I have walked this road twice...Praying that God's presence will be stronger than ever....


Melissa said...

I was stunned reading this...Instantly breaking down with why? I mean honestly, why do two wonderful people who have suffered so much already bear this pain once again in different form? I will never understand. I am so sorry for you, for Nicole. All I do is pray God will give another child to you both that you so much need and deserve.

Sunshine said...

Oh my heart just goes out to you. I am SO very sorry and will be in prayer. Sunshine

Ambulance Mommy said...

I'm so sorry. Its just not fair. Sending prayers.

Susie said...

I'm so very sorry. I recently miscarried as well, and I understand your pain, at least a portion of it. May His peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Kris said...

I am so terribly sorry for your loss! And praying that God will pour out his love and peace on your family!

Kelli said...

My hears literally aches for you and your family. Praying without ceasing!!!!

MamabearMills said...

I don't know you all, this is the first time ive come by here. I came by from "Bring the Rain!" JI have been in your shoes with miscarriage. It is awful, the feelings, the pain, the anguish. No one will say exactly what you need to hear except God. Im sorry for your loss, but now I know there's another angel in Heaven dancing with mine! I thank you for that!

Just a Simple Gal - Judy in Huntsville - AL said...

I only knew you through ANgie's blog - and have to say when she mentioned prayer for things she couldn't discuss - I knew in my heart it was this --- and I prayed yesterday - and in the evening - and today - I am so - so sad for you guys - I'm praying you can feel God's peace through this becuase I know it's not something I can understand ...

Amber said...

Greg and Nicol,
I am so very sorry. Miscarriage is so hard. I'll be praying for you as you walk this path.

Tricia said...

I am so sorry. I can definitely identify as my husband and I miscarried our second child over a month ago and I was at 9 1/2 weeks. It is definitely a hard pill to swallow, but I pray the peace of God will surround you and let you know that it is going to be okay.

A friend told us that once we realized what a big deal it was to loss the baby, then was when we would be able to truly grieve.

Tina and Todd said...

My heart aches for your family as I hold your precious faces before our comforting FAther!

Maggy said...

Praying for your family,praying that God can give you strengh so the Enemy of our souls won't have victory.
The battle belongs to the Lord and you guys are HIS children let HIm fight this battle for you because when we are weak he will make us strong.
Love and prayers

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry. Praying!

Peace be with you all-

karenstacy said...

You are in my prayers and thoughts
I have found that telling God all my fears and hurts and anger make me feel better. although i know that at this point you may never fell better

LEslie Bradner said...

I follow Angie's blog so, I feel like I know you through her. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious baby. I shared in your joy when Angie announced you were pregnant. Simply......I am praying for you and your peace.

Kendra said...


Marci said...

I don't even know what to say...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

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