Someone recently requested a "Summer fix"... pics of our girl. Here you are!
I think this was taken one morning at J. Christopher's in Cool Springs (TN)... a great b'fast/lunch spot... they have several locations throughout the southeast. Anyway, Summer was giving her penguin (a Christmas gift from Grammy and Grampy Sponberg) some OJ.

The next two shots were taken at Barnes & Noble in Chattanooga. Nicol was at a ladies' Christmas Tea with a friend, so Summer and I went out on a date. As you can see, she was quite caught up with Curious George. We had a fun time together.
Enjoy! I'll have more coming sometime soon.
She's a sight for sore eyes. The perfect little toe-head. Thanks for sharing and keep em coming!
She's absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing those.
Auntie loves you Sum-Sum! Wish you were here so I could kiss your sweet cheeks. Lise and Lili miss you, too!
Oh, I miss you Summer!
I Love You,
Auntie Jo
Ahhhhh...... now thats much better. I LOVE the pouty pucker lips. Too precious! She is going to either get away with a lot of things with that little look, or she will be a star in drams class. LOL
Thank you for my "Summer Fix" request. Love that little blonde girl. *smiling from ear to ear*
God Bless you guys!!!
She is so precious. Many thanks for sharing her photos.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
She looks so much like Angela! So cute.
Love the pics of Summer. She looks like a very sweet little lady.
I've been thinking of the color green, (incidentally does Summer have the Bernenstein Bears Book: The Green Eyed Monster; they do a great job of helping kids understand Commandment 10 You shall not covet your neighbor's house.) Jealousy/anger/fear; sometimes it's hard to tell what comes first, sometimes it's so hard to be honest with God because first you have to be honest with yourself. ...The Lord said to Cain 'If you had done the right thing, you would be smiling; but because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but you must overcome it." (Gen. 4:7)
There is so much in just this last half of scripture. Thank you for these pondering words. God word is good and useful for every moment in our season. In God's Love, sheila
I cannot believe how big she is! She is so pretty. :)
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